Migraine is one chronic pain which is being faced by millions of people these days.  It is defined as a recurrent throbbing headache that typically affects one side of the head and is often accompanied by nausea and disturbed vision. The reason behind the occurrence of migraine for a woman is hormonal changes as they often suffer during menstruation, due to changing hormone levels. It disturbs the head and it is one bad experience to bear the pain for a person suffering from migraine. Here are some beneficial points which can help you to getter better and get rid of the migraine pain:
  • Try not to chew because chewing is directly linked with the head and if you will chew any edible substance it will cause you more pain so it’s better not to chew.
  • Caffeine can act like a big-time reliever when it is about the migraine. Black Coffee can help you to get rid of a migraine because of the caffeine presence.
  • If the headache is on peak and you don’t know how to deal with it then just simply apply a cold pack on your forehead. This is one of the efficient and the oldest way to deal with the headaches.  Keep the compress on your head for 15 minutes, and then take a break for 15 minutes.
  • It’s difficult to distract yourself from the pain but if you manage to do meditation or practice any kind of relaxation then it may help you get rid of a migraine.
  • Grapes are an excellent pain reliever. Take a drink of all-natural grape juice (avoid sweetened kinds), or create your own at home to find relief. Blend fresh, ripe grapes with a bit of water, and you'll drink your discomfort of migraine away.
  • Light is painful when you're suffering from a minimal headache, a hangover, and especially a migraine. Its brightness can trigger even greater head pain, so don't be afraid to turn things down a bit.
There is no correct time to live a healthy life and to get rid of your migraine pain so please contact Dr. Karl Jawhari if you’re having any kind of chronic pain. Dr. Jawhari has a lot of experience in dealing with chronic pains and his experience makes him one special doctor for chronic pains.


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