Should You See a Chiropractor For Shoulder Pain?

 If you have discomfort in your shoulder, whether it's a subtle aching, a severe pain, or a tingling sensation that extends down your arm, there's no disputing that it can substantially affect your everyday quality of life. Shoulder soreness is a regular occurrence. You probably don't know how often you use your shoulder joint on a daily basis until you start having shoulder pain or limited range of motion.

While shoulder pain is frequent, it is not a condition with which you should put up with. If you're having persistent pain, you should always see a doctor. Should you contact a chiropractor if you start to feel unusual shoulder pain?

The answer is yes.

A doctor of chiropractic is a great person to turn to for all of your shoulder-related pain. They are also primary care providers, so you don’t need a referral to make an appointment for your shoulder.

Will a Chiropractor Work on Shoulders?

Yes, chiropractors work on shoulders. Your shoulder joint is one of the most complex joints in the body because it has such a wide range of motion and is used so frequently. While many people will visit a chiropractor for their back pain, these doctors don’t just treat the joints that make up the spine. They also treat extremities such as the shoulder.

Common Shoulder Conditions Chiropractors Treat

Since the shoulder is used so frequently, injuries are quite common. Shoulder injuries can happen in sports, from working at a desk job, bad posture, car accidents or simply injuries doing everyday tasks. Here at our Laurel chiropractic office we see a number of shoulder conditions, including the following: 

  1. Subluxations of the AC joint
  2. Frozen shoulder
  3. Arthritis
  4. Tendonitis
  5. Bursitis
  6. Tear in the Rotator Cuff
  7. Rotator Cuff Sprain

What Can Your Chiropractor Do If You're In Pain In Your Shoulder?

Many times, the discomfort you're experiencing in your shoulder is caused by an injury or a subluxation elsewhere in your body. Injuries to the neck or rib cage can result in shoulder pain or discomfort. Your chiropractor may give you at-home exercises and stretches to aid with shoulder discomfort in addition to treating the shoulder joint or other impacted joints that may be causing your pain.

Strengthening exercises are a fantastic technique to regain stability in a shoulder that is weak or uncomfortable. If your shoulder pain is caused by sitting, improving your posture is a fantastic method to prevent it.

Here at our Dr. Karl Jawahari's clinic, we are here to not only help with the shoulder pain you are experiencing, but to get to the root of the problem. We don’t just want to cover up the pain, we want to diagnose the issue so you can get the treatment you need to get back to life as normal.

Contact our chiropractic team at for further assistance.


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