A healthy body is a state of contentment and happiness. The man who is physically fit will give his hundred percent on every work given to him. His approach towards work is sharp and better than an unfit person. But still, this planet is full of unhealthy bodies. The sickness comes from an unhealthy lifestyle given to us by this modern world.  There are many diseases and pains due to which millions of people are suffering and pain in the spine is one of the major pain faced by people in this time. There are many ways in which you can avoid the pain in the spine. Things one should do to avoid spine injury/ pain:
Everything in life comes up with a lot of pros and cons and technology is one of them. The advancement of technology has many pros as well as cons. TV & Laptop is great inventions of science but using them excessively can leave you with the pain in the spine. Sitting for long hours in one position while watching a TV or using a laptop can be dangerous for your spine. It is better to keep changing position if it is necessary to use a laptop for hours.
Lifting heavy weight should be avoided in order to save your body from the spine pain. There is a certain limit of lifting weight for a body; it varies from person to person. While gymming or doing physical activities, the weight you lift should be of the appropriate amount otherwise it can harm your spine badly.
Sleeping in the wrong position is the third important point which can be avoided to stay away from the spine injury. It is very important to have a good quality mattress and to sleep in the right position so that you don’t come under the radar of spine pain.
Lack of nutrition in your diet can also lead to the pain of the spine. It is very important for a man to take an adequate amount of nutrients in your diet.

Facing any kind of spine pain or chronic pain don’t wait for it to be something bad and contact Dr. Karl Jawhari as soon as possible. Dr. Jawahari has experience of many years in curing the chronic pains. You can also contact him on Twitter.


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