An unfit body goes through many kinds of pains, the chances of a man suffering from the pain are high if he doesn’t eat healthy or doesn’t take care of his health.  So it is important for a man to set a healthy routine which includes healthy food and a disciplined session of exercise. By setting a healthy routine, a human being can battle with his pains and sufferings which occur due to a bad routine. There are many kinds of pains with which a human deal on a regular basis, but out of all the pains, chronic pains are some serious trouble maker. Chronic pain is often defined as any pain lasting more than 12 weeks, it mostly occurs from an initial injury.  Pain in the neck can create a lot of trouble in a man’s life so it is important to take care of the neck. Here are some points which will help a man suffering from neck pain:
1.   By applying heat or an ice pack, you can help a man suffering from the neck pain as this will give instant relief and make his battle against the neck pain bit easy.
2.   It is important for the patient of neck pain to avoid jerk, painful activities or travel on a bumpy road as it may increase his pain and lead to some serious neck injury, so it is better to avoid doing such thing.
3.   Having a pain killer or an antibiotic strong medicine while going through the pain of neck is completely ok. The patient can sleep without a pillow post taking the medicine and it will leave a comfortable pain free experience.
4.   Small exercises like moving a face up & down slowly and left right will may end up helping the patient suffering from neck pain.
5.   A gentle massage on the right spot can also be helpful for the patient as a gentle massage may calm down the pain.

A man should take the pain in his neck seriously as ignorance may lead to a serious injury. There is no correct time to live a healthy life and to get rid of your pains so please contact   Dr. Karl Jawhari if you’re having any kind of chronic pain. Dr. Jawhari has a lot of experience in dealing with chronic pains and his experience makes him one special doctor for chronic pains.


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