Different Types of Headaches - A Chiropractic View

 Headaches are one of those health problems that can be mildly annoying, extreme and incapacitating, or some combination of the two. They can develop gradually or unexpectedly, and no matter how severe they are, almost everyone needs relief as soon as possible. A chiropractor can treat a variety of headaches, so it's crucial to schedule an appointment if you're suffering from any of the following.


One of the most popular types of headache is a tension headache. A squeezing or tightening sensation, bilateral position, mild to moderate severity, and pain lasting 30 minutes to one week are some of the typical characteristics of a stress headache. Tension headaches aren't usually accompanied by nausea or vomiting, but they may be accompanied by sensitivity to light or sound. The occurrence of stress headaches is not linked to any medical condition.


Migraine headaches are less common than stress headaches and are often misdiagnosed. A migraine sufferer would always blame any severe headache pain on a migraine, but this isn't always the case.

Migraine is a chronic headache that lasts up to 72 hours and is characterised by unilateral pulsating pain of mild to serious severity.

Migraine pain is characterised by nausea and/or light sensitivity, and it is often exacerbated by normal physical activity.

A psychological phenomenon known as an aura is experienced by around 20% of migraine sufferers before they get a migraine.
Auras take the form of visual disturbances or other sensory disturbances. Sometimes, auras occur between migraine headache attacks.

Migraines aren’t typically associated with any other health issue.


Cluster headaches are distinct from stress headaches and migraines, and they affect just about 1% of the population.

Cluster headaches mostly affect men between the ages of 20 and 40. While most migraine sufferers are women, cluster headaches mostly affect men between the ages of 20 and 40. The pain around the eyes or along the side of the head is intense in this form of headache.

Attacks can last anywhere from 15 minutes to three hours, and they have been known to happen up to eight times in a single day.

Cluster headaches can be accompanied by tears, sweating on the forehead, and nasal congestion. During an attack, some people become restless or irritated due to the intense pain.

Dr Karl Jawhari will examine every aspect of your lifestyle, medical history, and body to find a permanent remedy if you suffer from any of the above types of headaches and want a natural, non-invasive approach to relieve your pain. To make an appointment or read more about our chiropractic practise, visit http://www.drkarljawhari.com. We eagerly await your answer.


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