Runner's Knee: Can Chiropractic Care Help?

Runner's knee, also known as patellofemoral pain syndrome, is a group of symptoms that affects the knees of those who are very active. Kneecap pain, grinding, clicking, catching, and other symptoms within the knee joint may be experienced by patients with runner's knee.

Runners' knee is one of the most commonly treated knee ailments at Dr. Karl Jawhari Chiropractic Clinic. Your knee is a complicated beast: It has three compartments, ligaments, cartilage, and tendons in addition to the three major bones. The knee muscles are intertwined with all of this. It could be a problem connected to any of these if you are experiencing discomfort, knee popping, or sluggish knee function, and our chiropractic team is here to assist you to find the source of the problem.
But what is the source of the ache behind the kneecap? Is it inevitable that all runners will develop this severe ailment at some point? Is there anything that can be done to help with this condition? Let's have a peek, shall we?

To argue that running causes Runner's Knee isn't fully correct. To be more precise, it would be more accurate to say:
Runner's Knee is caused by running with improper form, running too many kilometers before one is ready, and not adequately preparing one's body for the rigors of running.

When coping with a runner's knee, you may experience a variety of symptoms. Because everyone's experience with a runner's knee is different, you can't expect to have the same symptoms as a friend who has the same diagnosis. All of the symptoms listed below could suggest that you have a runner's knee.

  • Knee pain, or pain in the area around the knee
  • Stiffness in the knees that makes it difficult to move normally
  • Knee tapping
  • Knee prickling
  • Knee swelling or swelling in the leg area around the knee
  • Weak sensations, such as the sensation that your knee is about to give out

More than one of these symptoms occurring at the same time is not uncommon. Runners' knees can begin with just one symptom that appears on a random basis. This may lead some people to dismiss the issue, believing it will go away. Regrettably, the issue will almost always resurface sooner rather than later. Runner's knee is not a condition that heals on its own. If you want to recover, you'll need the right treatment. Chiropractic treatment for runners' knees can be very beneficial because it stimulates the body's natural healing abilities.

How can one avoid developing Runner's knee?
In life, there are no guarantees. Even if you do everything correctly, you may develop a runner's knee at some point. There are, however, several activities you may do to reduce your chances of ever developing this unpleasant condition. Fortunately, you will not be alone on your voyage. 

Your chiropractor will be there for you every step of the way to make sure you avoid acquiring Runner's Knee.

"It's difficult to injure a stronger body." When it comes to injury prevention, this quote pretty much sums it all. One of the most effective strategies to reduce the risk of injury is to have strong, stable muscles and joints. Furthermore, having a strong physique allows you to heal faster from an injury if you do experience one.
Strengthening exercises, particularly for runners, are a vital element of chiropractic care.

Flexibility, in addition to strength, is critical for injury prevention. You will be limited when running if your joints cannot move through their full range of motion. This means you can hit the ground at an inopportune time, sending shockwaves through your body's joints. The knees are frequently the joints that bear the brunt of this impact, resulting in Runner's Knee.
Chiropractors can assist you in developing a stretching regimen to ensure that your range of motion does not impede you while you attempt to set a new 5k personal best.

Proper running form:
All of your strength and flexibility will be useless if your form is incorrect. A sports chiropractor can assist you in developing optimal running techniques. This will ensure that you are making the most efficient use of your body while distributing ground impact throughout your entire body.

Chiropractic treatment for Runners Knee:
Our chiropractic runner's knee treatment is as individual as the patient. When you come in for your first visit, our chiropractor will thoroughly assess you and discuss your specific pain concerns and knee problems with you.
Runners' knees can be treated in a variety of ways. Our chiropractor performs chiropractic adjustments. This entails gentle manipulation of the knee and spinal joints directly. This can assist in fast restoring normal function and reducing pain.
A specialist type of massage known as Myofascial Release is one of the other choices. This is a type of tissue manipulation that focuses on the muscles that regulate the knee and help them regain full function.
Various types of physiotherapy can be used to treat runners' knees. Our chiropractor can teach you some specific strengthening exercises, and other treatments such as heat or cold therapy can also help. To assist you to resolve your runner's knee problems as quickly as possible, we frequently mix physiotherapy with chiropractic adjustments.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions concerning runner's knee treatment.


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