How chiropractic adjustments help?

The treatment delivered by the chiropractors refers to chiropractic adjustments or spinal adjustments. It involves applying a quick thrust into the spine. A chiropractor carefully realigns the vertebrae in your spinal column through a series of massage-type therapeutic movements. Most people who have had this procedure say that it provides myriad benefits without having to go through the hassle, stress, and cost of surgery or other invasive treatments. Here is how chiropractic treatment helps:

  1. Improvement in balance: when our vertebrae are out of alignment then it can affect our body posture. It makes the balancing difficult which also affects mobility. With a chiropractic adjustment, the vertebrae go back into the proper positions. This releases the pressure on the pinched nerves in the back that lead to the hips and the legs.
  2. Helps in breathing easier: Patients who have asthma and other respiratory illness also have difficulty in circulatory system. Chiropractic adjustments work by improving the condition of the muscles that are located around the lungs and trachea. This, in turn, makes breathing easier.
  3. Overcoming digestive issues: Recurring digestive issues make life difficult. By adjusting the spine, the nerves that are in the gastrointestinal system are improved, therefore reducing problems that include diarrhea or nausea.
  4. Controlling blood pressure: High blood pressure affects the arteries, blood vessels and heart. This can lead to other health issues.  An adjustment can help relieve the pressure on the sensitive nerves in the back, which can reduce blood pressure.
  5. Improves joint mobility: Patients who have arthritis or fibromyalgia; chronic conditions that tend to progress. We recommend working on the back with special instruments to adjust the vertebrae to increase joint mobility.
  6. Boosts immune system: A good immune system can help a patient to overcome a temporary or chronic health problem. With spinal adjustments, the nerves in the spinal column that control the immune functions of the lymph glands are released.
  7. Headache relief: Severe cluster headaches and migraine can make daily living difficult. These types of headaches cause excruciating pain in addition to dizziness and nausea. Our chiropractor will focus on the neck and upper area of the back to alleviate this discomfort.
  8. More energy: Despite getting enough sleep and consuming a healthy diet, it is possible for patients to feel tired all of the time. Fatigue is often caused by low levels of discomfort or inflammation in the body. Spinal adjustments can help reduce this pain.
  9. Restful sleep: It is important to sleep well at night for a variety of reasons. Some of these reasons include improving cognitive abilities and preventing illnesses. A regular adjustment can realign the back, neck and hips, in turn making a good night’s sleep possible.

If you would like to find out whether a chiropractic adjustment may help relieve your pain, schedule a consultation with DR. KARL JAWHARI. We offer chiropractic medicine and complementary medicine as well as traditional medical treatments – with a total health and wellness approach.
Visit our contact page for more information. We look forward to being the hospital of choice for you and your whole family.


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