How can heat therapy alleviate and heal your lower back pain?

Lower back pain is very common and can restrict your ability to move comfortably. This problem occurs due to strains or injury to your muscles caused by falling or lifting heavy objects or poor sitting posture.

There are many ways to treat your lower back pain, and heat therapy is one of them which can make you feel relaxed and provide relief from chronic back pain. As a versatile treatment, heat therapy includes a hot shower bath, heating pads, etc; all these can help to loosen your tight muscles and allow you to move freely.

Let’s check out the key benefits of heat therapy to heal your back pain:

Improve the healing process

With the help of heat therapy, there might be an increase in the blood flow to your muscles in the lower back, which improves the flow of oxygen and nutrients required to heal your damaged tissues.

Makes therapeutic exercises easier

Applying heat therapy before stretching and exercising, as it is the standard treatment to heal your lower back pain. Using heat before physical therapy can make your muscles lose and bring overall improvement in your pain.

Reduce stiffness

Stretching of the soft tissues around the spine becomes better by applying heat, and with regular heat therapy on the back, you will find an increased range of motions and less stiffness and injury. Furthermore, there will be an increase in flexibility of the spine, hips, and pelvis.

Block transmission of pain signals

Heat activates the sensory receptors located in muscles and skin. So applying heat to the lower back will reduce the carrying of pain signals to the brain and help to relieve the pain.

Relieve spasm

Muscle spasms can be very painful and might become intolerable in some cases. Due to restricted circulation, tension in the spine, and connected muscles, you feel a lot of discomfort in the lower back.

The application of heat therapy can help to relieve tightness by relaxing your muscles and improving blood circulation. Heat therapy brings comfort to your lower back by reducing pain.

Reduce dependency on medicines

Heat therapy is much more efficient than over-the-counter medicines in improving your back pain. Over-the-counter medications are expensive and come with many side effects as well.
There are also chances of you becoming habitual of these medicines over time. Heat therapy is a good option and gives better results cost-effectively.

If lower back pain is also bothering you, visit Dr. Karl Jawhari as he is the best chiropractor, and with his timely diagnosis and treatment, you will find relief from this problem.


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