What to Consider Before Visiting a Chiropractor

Before Visiting a chiropractor, you might feel overwhelmed as to how it is going to be? 

Is this treatment reliable? How expensive is it ? There are many such questions that come to your mind.

So here some tips to help you get started: 

Patient History and Symptoms

During a chiropractic visit, you might need to give a detailed history of your disease and symptoms.

When and how did the pain start? Where is the pain, and what triggers it? Is the pain mild, extreme, or

throbbing? How often do you feel the pain?


A chiropractor can consider your medical history or previous reports of your problem, old x-rays, or

scanning of your treatment. If you are asked to provide information on family medical conditions, or

any other previous injury, then don’t worry! All these details can help him to understand the root cause

of your problem and make him reach the possible treatment for you.


Comfortable clothes


If you think visiting a chiropractor is just a regular meeting, then It’s a big myth! Your doctor can ask you

to sit or lie in a particular position to assess your pain, and for such a situation, choosing comfortable,

or breathable clothes will work out best for you. Wearing tight, or short clothes can make your physical

examination difficult.


Physical examination


Like any other visit to a physician, as your chiropractor can also carry out your physical examination,

so be ready for your regular checkups, including monitoring your blood pressure, and pulse checks.

Carrying out X-Rays, or CT scans, if required, to know the baseline of your pain.

You might be asked to perform some physical tasks, and analyze the body posture or range of motion of

affected body parts.



Keep yourself prepared for spinal adjustments on your first visit, as there is nothing to be scared about

as it involves less pain and discomfort during your treatment. 


Dr. Karl Jawhari can also suggest some regular exercises, massage therapy, etc. Don't hesitate to ask

him questions about your treatment, as it might help to make you stress-free about your problem.


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